Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The way that art heals...

The way that art heals, is a fascinating thing.

I remember when I quit smoking, thinking I was going to need something to keep me going. I started painting. I would paint gifts for others, I would paint for myslef and sometimes I would just paint to feel good and distract myself. That was nine years ago.

I have always used music as a way to escape into myself and seek answers. I remember as a teenager, during times of mother-daughter disagreements or having issues with my peers, I would play my music loudly and sing through my anger and sadness. It really helped. It helped to relieve the tension. It helped to get me back to reality and deal with issues. It helped me sort my troubles. It helped me become me.

I still use music as a healing tool. When I am anxious about something, I have a few "go-to" inspirational songs that I play and sing to. The songs calm my nerves and help me to get through. I also use music to get through otherwise boring tasks, like cleaning! The right song can also put my happy mood into an extremely happy mood!

I use photography as a way to express myself. Taking my camera on a walk to capture all the beauty of the world, truly has renewing powers!
Through artistic expression, I have discovered things about myself that I would have otherwise never known.

What has art/writing/music/etc/ done for you?

What would have happened if you hadn't had those avenues to express yourself?

Please email me or comment here. I look forward to hearing your stories!

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