Friday, July 9, 2010


I am going to be simplifying my life by going back to one blog. I started this blog so that my fundraiser posts wouldn't take over the other blog and then that blog got neglected. After the fundraiser, I struggled with where to post what. It is all part of my life, whether it be photography, crafts, inspiring words, people in my life, is what I love and having it in one place will make things easier.

So from now on, I will only be posting on my Story of Now blog. Please follow me there!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Kindness to the earth

I never really gave much thought to being kind to the earth until I read "How are we to live: Ethics in an age of Self-Interest" by Peter Singer. Sure, I wasn't purposely being unkind to the earth. My trash would make it to the garbage can and I would encourage others to put theirs in the can too. Beyond that though, I did not give a thought to how my actions could impact the earth. Then I was taking this Ethics Beyond Borders class back in 2003 and we had to read Singer's book. There was a part in that book that pointed out how many paper towels we use and how we do it without even thinking about it. It got me thinking about the earth in a different way. Kindness to the earth is one of those things that I will be continually working on. Yes, I still use paper towels but I do use them less than I used to. Yes, I still use plastic bags and paper bags occassionally but I more often than not use my canvas bags for shopping. I'd like to invest in some of these re-usable sandwich bags as a next step.

How do you show kindness to the earth?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Small ways to show kindness

Often, the biggest impact comes from small little selfless acts of kindness.
Here, you will find a list of 20 ways to give without expectation.

I think one of the biggest things, which seemed to be a theme from the list, is listening. I know it is something that I need to do better. I need to practice being present. I need to listen to what the other person is saying without thinking about what I am going to say. I need to listen without thinking about a similar story I have.

Listening can be a generous act of kindness.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Random acts of Kindness

Every small act of kindness we do can ripple out much further than we can see.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Do what you can

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

~Theodore Roosevelt

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Be here now.

It is hard to be truly kind without being present.
Be in the moment.
Be open to what is around you.
Try not to succumb to mindless routine.

This post is in response to Spring's Law of Attraction Part 2 video.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Believe in miracles

Miracles are happening every day. Keep an open mind!

Friday, June 4, 2010

HeARTfull Expressions Event Pics

All the money from the HeARTfull Expressions Event went to Free Arts Minnesota.

The picture you see here is me with one of the murals painted for the 2010 Metro Murals project. Kids and adults enjoyed expressing themselves at the art project table.

People enjoyed shopping at the Vick & Toots booth.

Jan Geisen's beautiful polymer clay jewlery

Scotty "Izwel" spent time drawing and selling his artwork.

All photographs were taken by Seefeldt Photography.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The HeARTfull Expressions event was a success!!

WE raised $1,562. 20, plus a few boxes full of art supplies!!!

I feel so much gratitude for the vendors believing in this cause and really making this event come to life. Each of you really added to this event with your unique personalities and talents. Thank you so much!!

My family and friends volunteered their time and efforts to bring all the details together. From the baking, shopping, and preparing food to the greeting people, stacking chairs and arranging tables; they really jumped in and made the event seamless! Thank you all for all the big and little things you did to make this a wonderful event!

In the end it doesn't only matter how much money was raised; there is so much more to success than money. I have met such amazing people on this journey. Business people who were encouraging and helpful and giving. Strangers who became friends and cheerleaders for the event. New ideas for art projects have started to emerge. Hearts and minds are being opened to possibilities. New relationships have formed.

More than anything, we built awareness about Free Arts Minnesota. I do think people believe in or are beginning to believe in the healing powers of artistic expression. I do believe the ripples from this event will reach beyond where I can see. I do believe there is more to be done. I do believe the planning for the 2nd annual HeARTfull Expressions Event will begin soon.

It may take one person to have an idea, but it takes a community to make it work!

Thank you!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Silent Auction Items

The silent auction will run from 11am-3pm and winners will be called out at 3:30 and you must be present or able to pick-up your item by 4pm that day.

We've got hand-knit items, purses, jewelry, restaurant gift certificates, homemade jam, paintings, sports store gift certificate, coffee, wine basket, home fragrance basket, service certificates etc.

Come join us for a good cause at the HeARTfull Expressions event on May 22nd.

And one more thing, we are going to have Starbucks coffee....mmmmm!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

How far?

The consequences of abuse may include:
  • inability to be honest or self expressive
  • vulnerability to involvement in criminal and deceitful activity
  • fear of any kind of touch
  • depression, withdrawal and suicide
  • distrust toward adults and caregivers
  • substance abuse
  • failure to thrive

More can be seen here at Free Arts Minnesota.

How far can the ripples reach if a child is given access to the healing powers of artistic expression? What if we can interrupt the cycle of violence, so that these children are given the opportunity to be whoever they want to be in this world? What if we can make a difference in the life of child?

Free Arts Minnesota helped 1,724 children in their Weekly Mentorship Program in 2008. There are more children to be served.

I think it is important to work at both ends from child abuse prevention to after-care.

Join us on May 22nd, for the HeARTfull Expressions event and learn more about Free Arts Minnesota.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sweet treats!

Come to the HeARTfull Expressions event and enjoy a yummy treat.
There will be breads, bars and trail mixes OH MY!

Only 2 1/2 weeks away. Start looking for the sign in front of the Community Center on Monday May 17th.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vendor spotlight: Artsy Smartsy

Tina from Artsy Smartsy will be at the HeARTfull Expressions event on May 22nd. Tina will provide a short art lesson at her booth and guests will be able to take their project home. This is great for kids and adults. Art is therapeutic no matter how old you are!

I am so excited that there will be hands on art activities!

Bring the whole family!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Vendor spotlight: Light of the Soul, Inc.

I've got to tell you about another vendor that will be at the HeARTfull Expressions event on May 22nd, 2010. Jeanne from Light of the Soul Inc. will be there selling scented lotions, displaying artwork and providing sample energy sessions.

This is a woman full of spirit! She helps others connect with the truth of their soul. We all have great possibility and sometimes there are things blocking us from following our dreams or being true to our self.

Please join us for an afternoon of Arts, crafts and healing!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Art supplies galore!!

My friend Lisa and her 7 year old daughter went shopping again to buy supplies for the HeARTfull Expressions art supply drive that will benefit Free Arts Minnesota. If you are interested in purchasing items for the art supply drive, you can find a list of needs here.

Look at these HUGE bottles of glue, 909mls of all-purpose glue!! Great for large groups.
Look, mixing bowls, measuring cups, clothespins, beads, popsicle sticks, puff paint, modeling clay, chalk, scissors, rulers and hair binders.
It doesn't end there. T-shirts, journals, disposable aprons, paint brushes, pom poms and pipe cleaners.

Not only will the children of Free Arts be impacted, but Lisa's 7 year old daughter is learning a great lesson about caring for those children that are less fortunate than herself. I love the ripple effect that one act of kindness can make. I feel truly blessed by the people coming forward to participate, donate, and spread the word about Free Arts Minnesota and the HeARTfull Expressions event.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I got the posters printed on Monday at Printing Express. They did a great job printing...the posters are beautiful. I started putting a few up around town and still have quite a few more to distribute.
It is all coming together.
Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come. ~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Free Arts Minnesota: Metro Murals 2010

Murals were created by youth, families and volunteers and were inspired by the theme "Healthy Families" to raise awareness for Child Abuse Prevention month and to encourage familes to make healthy choices. The murals can be seen at bus stops across Minneapolis and St. Paul for the month of April.

I found this resource that helps parents deal with and understand the different stages children go through.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Weekly Mentorship Program

During Free Arts weekly mentorship program, volunteers provide one hour of creative art activities to a specific group of children at one of their 17 metro area partner sites. The program's objectives are to offer children an opportunity to develop healthy relationships with adults, increase their sense of self-worth, and help them learn new ways to communicate through participation through the arts.

Free Arts Minnesota is always in need of art supplies. To find out what supplies they are in need of go here. You can bring supplies directly to Free Arts Minnesota in Minneapolis, or you can bring them to the HeARTfull Expressions event on May 22nd.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chair Massage

We will be having a couple of massge therapists giving chair massages at the HeARTfull Expressions event on May 22nd. How exciting!!

Come to the Chisago City Community Center on May 22nd from 11am-4pm and get your massage and support Free Arts Minnesota.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Helping the children

I used to think of abuse as either physical or sexual, when in fact there is abuse at varying degrees and in different forms.

Abuse can be in the form of physical, sexual, torture, rejection, neglect, humiliation, malnourishment etc. Sometimes children are victims of more than one kind of abuse. For most children, the trauma is immediate, for others the destruction of childhood innocence is a slow ongoing process, but for all, abuse creates pain that can last a lifetime.
Free Arts Minnesota serves to interrupt the cycle of violence.
We may never be able to stop abuse completely, but if we can at least interrupt the cycle, then we have a chance at decreasing the prevalence.

Some of the benefits of art for children include: improvement in the ability to be attentive and engaged in school, greater self-esteem, improvement of personal motivation, improvement in the ability to be self-expressive, improvement in the ability to communicate, and an increase in positive relations with adults.

To find out how you can help kids, click here to learn about 10 things you can do!

Friday, March 19, 2010


When I read about the children that have benefited from Free Arts programs, my heart melts. These children have been through such trauma, that no child or person should ever have to witness or experience. I read about Derek and it makes me angry on one side and yet it comforts me to know that there IS an outlet for these children. There IS a way for their wounds to heal. There IS a way for them to become adults that make good and healthy decisions. There IS a way to stop the cycle of violence.

HeARTfull Expressions benefiting Free Arts Minnesota/ Saturday May 22nd/ Chisago City Community Center/ 11am-4pm

Friday, March 12, 2010

Why art works

Have you ever wondered what makes art so magical?
How does art heal the wounds of trauma?

Click here to find out why art works.

Free Arts programs seek to interrupt the cycle of violence.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Art supply donations

I received a donation for the art supply drive last night.

My co-worker and friend, Lisa, and her 7 year old daughter went shopping yesterday and picked up all these goodies. Thank you both for your contribution; it is so appreciated!

Free Arts Minnesota is always in need of more supplies for their programs.
To find out what they are in need of, check out this link.
If you would like to donate supplies, you can donate to Free Arts Minnesota directly, contact me or come on May 22nd to the HeARTfull Expressions event.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Magic words

I was reading one of the blogs that I follow and felt that this article really tied in with what Free Arts Minnesota provides for children. These children come to Free Arts, often defeated, lonely, scared and with little to no self-esteem. They lack positive relationships with adults. Their needs are often basic but unattended to.

What if we had a world where each child was surrounded by adults that believed in them? I think it would be truly amazing. Just think of a time when someone said they believed in you. Think about the confidence it gave you and the self-worth you felt. Think about what became possible just by having heard the words.

Free Arts Minnesota is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the healing powers of artistic expression into the lives of abused, neglected and at-risk children and their families. Through art they build confidence and self-esteem. In the weekly mentor programs they build positive relationships with adults.

Imagine a world where every child has an adult that believes in them!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Vendor Spotlight: Vick and Toots

I am excited to announce the next craft vendor which will be Vick and Toots.
They are a mother and daughter team.
They knit and sew and screen print some pretty awesome items. I love the unique screen printed shirts!!

Please check out the link above.

I am happy that they will join us at the HeARTfull Expressions event/ Saturday May 22nd/ Chisago City Community Center

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Vendor Spotlight: Jan Geisen

I am so excited to tell you about Jan Geisen.
She makes beautiful jewelry and each piece is truly a work of art. She uses polymer clay and the mix of colors are gorgeous! Each piece is unique. She also makes some neat garden stakes, that could add appeal to any garden!

I am so happy that she will be joining us in this great cause to raise money and awareness for Free Arts Minnesota. HeARTfull Expressions/May 22nd/ Chisago City Community Center

You can shop at her etsy site. You can also check out her website.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The way that art heals...

The way that art heals, is a fascinating thing.

I remember when I quit smoking, thinking I was going to need something to keep me going. I started painting. I would paint gifts for others, I would paint for myslef and sometimes I would just paint to feel good and distract myself. That was nine years ago.

I have always used music as a way to escape into myself and seek answers. I remember as a teenager, during times of mother-daughter disagreements or having issues with my peers, I would play my music loudly and sing through my anger and sadness. It really helped. It helped to relieve the tension. It helped to get me back to reality and deal with issues. It helped me sort my troubles. It helped me become me.

I still use music as a healing tool. When I am anxious about something, I have a few "go-to" inspirational songs that I play and sing to. The songs calm my nerves and help me to get through. I also use music to get through otherwise boring tasks, like cleaning! The right song can also put my happy mood into an extremely happy mood!

I use photography as a way to express myself. Taking my camera on a walk to capture all the beauty of the world, truly has renewing powers!
Through artistic expression, I have discovered things about myself that I would have otherwise never known.

What has art/writing/music/etc/ done for you?

What would have happened if you hadn't had those avenues to express yourself?

Please email me or comment here. I look forward to hearing your stories!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


The HeARTfull Expressions event is coming together bit by bit. I am so in love with the flow of life and generosity of others. So many people this week have been offering up items/services for the silent auction. I am very excited about the variety of art and other items that will be up for auction!! When the it gets closer to the event, I will have a list of all the items up for auction.

I am in search of more vendors for the Craft/Trade show.
We have some 8x8 spots available for $30 and 8x10 spots available for $45. For more details, please email me

HeARTfull Expressions Event benefiting Free Arts Minnesota/ May 22nd, 2010 11am-4pm/ Chisago City Community Center

Be sure to spread the word!

Thank You,

" An attitude of gratitude brings opportunities" Yogi Bhajan

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is Free Arts Minnesota?

Free Arts Minnesota is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the healing powers of artistic expression into the lives of abused, neglected, and at-risk children and their families.

That is very inspiring to me! I just think of what some children go through and how they often do not have an avenue for all that they are feeling or the thoughts they have buried. Or some may choose unhealthy avenues. Free Arts Minnesota helps children become the kind of adults they want to be!

HeARTfull Expressions/ Saturday May 22, 2010/ Chisago City Community Center

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fundraising Event!

If you a crafter and you're looking to make a differnce in the lives of children, this event may be for you! Also, if you know any crafters please pass the word. Please email me

To learn more about Free Arts Minnesota, visit